Consumer vs Enterprise Product Management

BY Martin Eriksson on February 26, 2013

Whether you call it consumer or B2C¹, enterprise or B2B², being a product manager on one side or the other has long been a defining characteristic. You either know how to build products for enterprises or for consumers and job ads make a big deal about focusing on one or the other. But is there Read more »

Everything a product manager needs to know about analytics

BY Simon Cast on February 20, 2013

Everyone knows analytics are important for product managers. But, like lots of things everyone knows, not everyone knows why they are important and in the case of analytics even necessarily what they are. This post is going to look at: What exactly are analytics? Concepts of analytics Implementing analytics Measuring analytics Reporting analytics Analytics and Read more »

Product Manager Survey Results: Part 3 - US and UK comparison

BY Simon Cast on January 30, 2013

In part 3 of this series analysing the results of our product manager survey, we’ll be looking at the breakdown of responses from people based in the US. (Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here.) In the survey 23% of the responses came from the US. Of these responses, 42% came from product Read more »

Product Manager Survey Results: Part 2 - UK Salaries

BY Simon Cast on January 21, 2013

In part 2 of this series analysing the results of our product manager survey, we’ll be looking at the breakdown of responses from people based in the UK. (Part 1 of this series is here. Part 3 of the series is here) Some 53.47% of the responses came from the UK. Of those responses, 48% Read more »

Product Manager Survey Results: Part 1 - Overall

BY Simon Cast on December 20, 2012

The purpose of this survey is to get a snapshot of working product managers and to provide some corresponding statistics as we build out the community. It’s also designed to give you a better understanding of where you stand professionally within the community. I’ve attempted to present as much data as possible in charts, but Read more »

Video: Rapid Prototyping Google Glass by Tom Chi

BY Martin Eriksson on December 17, 2012

Tom Chi is the Experience Lead for Special Projects at Google X, their in-house skunk labs that has brought us amazing products from augmented reality glasses in Project Glass to self driving cars. Tom has a rich background, having worked as a Designer, Product Manager, Developer, and Consultant, and at Mind the Product 2012 he Read more »

Video: Marty Cagan's top 10 tips to making products customers love

BY Martin Eriksson on December 11, 2012

Over the past 30 years, Marty Cagan has defined and built products for some of the most successful companies in the world, including Hewlett-Packard, Netscape Communications, America Online, and eBay. He’s the founder of Silicon Valley Product Group and, at our conference Mind the Product 2012, he shared his top 10 secrets to creating products Read more »

A Happy Product Manager this Season

BY Janna Bastow on December 7, 2012

Christmas season is setting in, and it’s time to start figuring out how you’re going to appease your Product Manager, rewarding their hard work this year or winning their favour over for at least the next quarter. Or perhaps you’re shopping for yourself, as after this year, we’re sure you’re entitled to it! Here’s a Read more »

How to Make Products People Love

BY Basheera Khan on October 22, 2012

Mention the phrase product management, and your first thought might be of project plans, feature roadmaps, business data, and all sorts of tools and techniques that revolve around a product already in market. In reality, the best and most challenging work for any product team lies in the months before market, during product discovery. And Read more »

Agile roadmapping

BY Liz Rice on August 29, 2012

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – Alan Kay Every so often, I hear someone suggest that you can’t really build a roadmap when you’re working in Agile, because you’re only planning one iteration at a time. That, my friends, is nonsense. In this article I’ll describe a lightweight planning Read more »