Product Management Fundamentals

BY Dag Olav Norem on April 12, 2016

In order to know how to do something it is important to understand why that something exists in the first place. It is not hard to understand why we need developers. Nor sales, marketing, customer support and so on. But why do we need product managers? “Why” does the role of product manager exist? In a Read more »

Product Requirement Documents Must Die

BY Martin Eriksson on March 29, 2016

I’ve been doing product management for a long time, and I remember very well what it was like to work on Product Requirement Documents (aka PRDs, Market Requirements, Business Requirements, Functional Specs, and more). But the last one I wrote was in 2005, and it’s not because they’re a lot of work (and they are) Read more »

5 Easy Ways to Improve your Product Development Process

BY Sami Linnanvuo on March 23, 2016

Everyone gets pleasure from ticking tasks off of the todo-list, right? At least, I do. But it’s no longer fun when you feel like you’re drowning in work with too many things to do, or feel like you’re trying to juggle too many balls at once. That’s what kills motivation and creates unhappy employees. But Read more »

Become a Product Hero in Just One Weekend

BY Martin Eriksson on February 23, 2016

There are two paths to being a product hero – bringing new skills back to your team or sharing your hard earned lessons with the wider product community – so we’re putting together a weekend in London where you can do both! Join us in April to hone your skills with one of our awesome Read more »

How to avoid screwing up technology (and how product managers can help)

BY Chris Massey on February 15, 2016

Paul Lomax has been with Dennis Publishing for 5 years, and experienced first-hand the problem of bringing a focus on technology into a business in an industry that has not historically been at all technology-focused. So how do you do technology if you’re not a technology company? Part of the challenge is that you’re unlikely Read more »

Level Up your Product Management Skills at #mtpcon SF

BY Martin Eriksson on January 19, 2016

Based on your feedback we’re adding an optional pre-conference day full of in-depth product management workshops to help you level up your skills and kick even more ass than before! We’ve lined up five amazing full-day workshops with true experts in the field and we’re keeping them small and focused with a maximum of 24 Read more »

Video: The Root Causes of Product Failure by Marty Cagan

BY Martin Eriksson on September 9, 2015

Let’s be honest, most products fail. Even in the best companies this happens – for every Google AdWords there’s a Google Wave. In this insightful talk at Mind the Product San Francisco, the inimitable Marty Cagan outlines what he sees as the root causes of these failures. Most teams today start with an idea, even Read more »

4 Design Skills Every Product Manager Should Have

BY Harish Venkatesan on August 10, 2015

The importance of design is a common refrain these days in the tech industry — to the point of almost being a cliche – but how can your skills create added value through great design? Whether in the consumer (Airbnb, Uber, Dropbox) or enterprise (Slack) space, examples abound of companies creating immense value through great Read more »

Build better products with effective MVPs

BY Danielle Colyer on July 21, 2015

The concept of an MVP – or Minimum Viable Product – is a one that comes up a lot in product development. MVPs are an intrinsic part of the build-measure-learn process at the heart of product management processes, offering maximum benefit for minimum effort. Correct implementation of MVPs allows product managers to learn more about customers, deliver Read more »

How to Set Yourself Apart as a New Product Manager

BY Janna Bastow on July 10, 2015

Whether you’ve just kickstarted your career as a product manager or you’re someone who would like to get into product management, we’ve got a workshop that you’ll find to be both professionally enriching and highly informative. Kate Leto’s Product Management Essentials workshop is actionable learning for developers, marketeers, support representatives and entrepreneurs alike. If you’re just making your way into Read more »