Life Beyond Google Analytics: Pick the Best Tools for the Job

BY Yoav Yechiam on February 14, 2018

  Google Analytics as Your Default Platform? Sure, if it’s 2010… A product manager’s role as an analyst is sometimes forgotten or not recognized. As a product manager, the impact of your business decisions will be measured by your product’s front-end data. It is your obligation to be able to implement an analytic platform, analyze Read more »

Make it Grow or Kill it: How to Handle Declining Usage in Products

BY Nihar Bhupalam on January 15, 2018

The median product is dying a slow death. If that seems like an overstatement, then the fact of the matter is that if usage rates are declining, a product is probably – not necessarily, but probably – in trouble. The 2017 Mixpanel Product Benchmarks Report showed that Average Daily Active User (ADAU) growth, in which active users Read more »

Product Management Is Not Project Management

BY Spenser Skates on January 8, 2018

As a product manager, it’s easy to get caught up doing the wrong job. With so much time and energy going into shipping great products, the project management demands of it all often create a center of gravity that’s hard for even the most veteran product managers to escape. But the most successful product managers know Read more »

Four Ways to Make NPS a More Actionable Metric

BY Todd Olson on December 20, 2017

It’s been nearly 15 years since Bain’s Fred Reichheld first introduced the Net Promoter System (NPS), a simple calculation of customers’ willingness to recommend a brand. By asking a single question, “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend?”, NPS distilled the complex topic of customer satisfaction into a single number. And a decade Read more »

Using Embedded Analytics to Drive Revenue

BY Tom Cahill on September 25, 2017

Five years ago, including embedded analytics in an application was a powerful way for product teams to differentiate their applications, reduce customer churn, and charge more for their products. Users were thrilled with the bells and whistles of charts, graphs, and dashboards in the applications they already used, and they were often willing to pay Read more »