The dos and don'ts of product analytics

BY Eira Hayward on April 2, 2021

Analytics help product people to realise their product goals through being evidence and outcome driven — today they are a vital part of any product person’s toolkit. This deep dive into analytics aims to give you some background information on analytics, some handy dos and don’ts and also shares some key insights from a new Read more »

When A/B Tests Aren't Enough, By Scott Castle

BY Andres Phillips on July 20, 2020

In this ProductTank San Francisco talk, Scott Castle (VP & GM at Sisense) shows us how we can use data other than A/B tests and clickstreams to build products with longer, more complex user flows. Given that so many of us work in Enterprise and B2B products, where the user journey is rarely simple or clear, Scott provides Read more »

Data-driven blunders and how to avoid Them

BY Jorge Rodriguez-Ramos on September 5, 2019

Jorge Rodriguez-Ramos considers how you can best incorporate data-driven decisions into product management. Read more »

Product metrics for noobs by Jeff Patton

BY Sarone Thomson on May 15, 2019

In the first talk of this year’s World Product Day at ProductTank Auckland, Jeff Patton sheds light on product metrics. He says they don’t have to be confusing and frustrating, in fact they are quite simple. Read more »

Growth Hacking for Product Managers by Chris Long

BY Mareike Leitermann on March 26, 2019

Chris Long, Product and Growth Leader and part of the new product development team at, introduced the ProductTank community of Karlsruhe to processes and models to drive product growth. Growth and Product Management Chris says that product managers often are unaware of their responsibility in the growth process. Although many areas in a business Read more »

Strategies to get Started with Predictive Analytics

BY Sriram Parthasarathy on February 28, 2019

I believe that predictive analytics is poised to enable businesses in ways we didn’t think were possible several years ago. It’s starting to play critical roles in solving inventory problems, loan prediction, user personalization, customer segmentation, propensity to churn, product pricing, and many other areas, with the goal of enhancing customer experience and the bottom Read more »

How Predictive Analytics can add Value to Applications

BY Sriram Parthasarathy on January 3, 2019

Every software application today is fighting for space in an increasingly crowded market, so software vendors need to differentiate their offerings with valuable features to avoid losing out to competitors. An increasing number of application teams are turning to predictive analytics as a source of competitive differentiation and additional value for end users. In fact, Read more »

How can we Build Human-Centred Products by Kim Goodwin

BY James Gadsby Peet on November 9, 2018

Everybody is trying to create products that make people’s lives better. However, by simply focusing on metrics, rather than the humans behind them, we risk making bad decisions that have unintended consequences for people and society. To be better, Kim explained how we need to focus on creating features that meet some of people’s needs, Read more »

Evaluating Experiments: When the Numbers lie

BY Jacob de Lichtenberg on October 25, 2018

It takes many different competences to be a product manager, but one of the most important ones is the ability to decide on the future direction of your product. A product manager ideally uses a mix of methods to figure this out, with experiments at the forefront of strategic and meaningful decision-making. The first real Read more »

Why do you Need to Rethink Your Analytics Strategy?

BY Yoav Yechiam on October 11, 2018

Web and app analytics are fundamental to business these days. No serious developer, product manager, or CEO of company operating in the digital market, will consider not using them. The analytics market is also highly competitive, with providers of all scales and agility fighting to get their three lines of code or SDK into your Read more »