Is your product underperforming?

BY Ash McCallum on October 15, 2020

When we measure product performance, we often overlook “technique”. Separating your KPIs will help you to run better experiments, and think like an athlete. Read more »

How The Growing Importance of Customer Retention is Changing Product Management

BY Matei Culcer on September 24, 2020

The SaaS industry is undergoing a quiet revolution. Competition is increasing, products are becoming less differentiated, customers are becoming less loyal, and the cost of acquiring new customers is rising year after year. It’s within this landscape that retaining existing users has become just as important as acquiring new ones. This article focuses on the Read more »

How do you Build a Qualitative Data Lake?

BY Rosemary King on September 15, 2020

How do you build a data lake? In fact, what even is one? And what’s the key to understanding qualitative data operations? I’ll share my thinking on these excellent questions, and the process I’m current testing out with my own team – please feel free to share yours too! For basically my entire 10 years Read more »

Testing Business Ideas, by David Bland

BY Gordon Tang on September 7, 2020

David Bland, co-author of Testing Business Ideas, spoke about his process in writing his book. True to his craft, he tested the content of his book as it was written. Watch the video to see David’s talk in full. Or read on for an overview of his key points. Build, Measure, Learn A repeating theme Read more »

Developing a Data-Driven Culture at Dow Jones, By Helen Hewitt

BY Andres Phillips on August 10, 2020

In this ProductTank London talk, Helen Hewitt, Global Head of Data Transformation at Dow Jones takes us through her personal journey with data and her work at Dow Jones in developing their data culture. Her key points include: Driving a data culture How we view our data DataSET Watch the video to see Helen’s talk Read more »

When A/B Tests Aren't Enough, By Scott Castle

BY Andres Phillips on July 20, 2020

In this ProductTank San Francisco talk, Scott Castle (VP & GM at Sisense) shows us how we can use data other than A/B tests and clickstreams to build products with longer, more complex user flows. Given that so many of us work in Enterprise and B2B products, where the user journey is rarely simple or clear, Scott provides Read more »

Using Data to Build a Brand, by Abba Newberry

BY Andres Phillips on July 13, 2020

In this ProductTank London talk, Abba Newberry, CMO at Habito, talks us through how to use data to build a brand. As part of her introduction, she tongue-in-cheek acknowledges that part of the reason why product and marketing sometimes clash is that product teams tend to be very data driven, while marketing teams argue that data Read more »

Helping a Machine to Distinguish Toilet Flush From Kitchen tap: a Case Study

BY Dmytro Prosyanko on June 10, 2020

In this case study, Dmytro Prosyanko, Product Manager at McKinsey & Company, Dr. Andrew Pike, Data Scientist, and Danylo Pavliuk, Product Designer at Temper, discuss why effective collaboration between product, data science, and design is crucial for successfully developing next-gen smart tech products. Overview The focus of this case study, co-authored by all three of Read more »

Data-driven product management by Matt LeMay

BY Matt LeMay on June 10, 2020

In this deep dive, Matt LeMay, author of Agile for Everybody and Product Management in Practice, explains what data means to product management and how it should be used to ensure that we’re building products designed to achieve meaningful outcomes. Introduction Nearly every conversation I have with a product team looking to take a “data-driven” Read more »

Why you Should Treat Your Resume as Your Professional Product

BY Jenny Wanger on February 20, 2020

To help hiring managers and recruiters, like myself, decide whether or not to interview you, it can be a great exercise to treat your resume like a professional product. Here I’ll share some useful pointers on how to do just that. Having reviewed hundreds of product managers’ resumes in the last year I’m sure I’ll Read more »