Stuck in the Middle With Product Managers

BY Seb Aspland on June 10, 2019

Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you Stealers Wheel, 1973 Martin Eriksson made famous the diagram below, showing how product managers are at the cross-section of business, tech, and UX (by the way, I’m not implying any of these groups are clowns or Read more »

What's in the DNA of product people?

BY Jase Clamp on June 6, 2019

I’ve spoken with many product people around the world, and spent the last two years deeply considering the foundations of product management. This post delves into the DNA of product people. Read more »

Product Management is Simple, but Very, Very Hard

BY Simon Cast on May 20, 2019

I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. Mark Twain At its core Product Management is about making choices between countless possibilities to deliver value to the end user while meeting organisational goals and constraints. Simple huh? But not straightforward, nor easy to achieve. Indeed, this is Read more »

Want to be a Product Manager? Just get out There and Make Products

BY Shaun Russell on February 4, 2019

Are you trying to break into Product Management? I’ll start with the bad news. There are a huge number of motivated, intelligent people who are looking for a first step on the ladder, and very few entry-level roles to go around. These budding product managers have many things in common. Most of them are familiar Read more »

The Perks of Being a Generalist

BY James Whitman on December 6, 2018

I’m lucky enough to be able to say that I love what I do – but why? What is it that gets me up to go to work every day? Like many in our field, I fell into a product job somewhat by accident, but I count myself as very lucky to have done so. Read more »

Over a decade of amazing product talks

BY Martin Eriksson on May 15, 2019

Since 2012, Mind the Product has been running #mtpcon all over the world in cities including, London, Singapore and San Francisco, as well as #mtpEngage in Hamburg and Manchester. We now offer digital conferences too – enabling even more people in the community to get involved! We continue to invite some of the top product Read more »

Product Warrior Launches First Podcast, Thinking Big and Small With John Cutler

BY Dave Martin on February 6, 2018

Product Warrior launches a weekly podcast, supported by Mind The Product, dedicated to supporting product managers in their decision making. The first episode, titled “Thinking big and small”, is out now, featuring guest John Cutler and host Dave Martin, chief product officer at Tes Global. John, a senior product manager and “all-round product junkie”, discusses Read more »

How to Apply a Design Sprint to Voice-Based Products

BY Mike Edmonds on February 1, 2018

At the outset of 2018, there are already over 50 million voice-based devices shipped, up from 1.7 million in 2015 (see footnote). Consumer adoption of voice-based products has grown to the point where businesses need to understand what voice-based experiences can mean to them. But, as I’m sure we’re all aware, exploring new business models such Read more »

Good Behavioral Product Manager, Bad Behavioral Product Manager

BY Kristen Berman on January 17, 2018

A good product manager generally has a keen instinct for human behavior. However, the best product managers have learned how to incorporate the science of human behavior in a more rigorous way than just relying on instinct. This post (with a nod from Ben Horowitz’s seminal post) introduces the idea of a behavioral product manager (BPM) – a product Read more »

Product Management Is Not Project Management

BY Spenser Skates on January 8, 2018

As a product manager, it’s easy to get caught up doing the wrong job. With so much time and energy going into shipping great products, the project management demands of it all often create a center of gravity that’s hard for even the most veteran product managers to escape. But the most successful product managers know Read more »