Video: Product at the Heart of Change

BY Eve Kekeh on August 20, 2014

July’s ProductTank London focused on change management. Sally Foote, founder of product development consultancy firm FEB Digital, joined us to discuss the impact of a big product pivot on an organisation as a whole. In this video, Sally (@sallyfoote) shares her own experiences whilst working with The Times Online with a captivated audience. She talks about how a clear product vision helps to get Read more »

Video: Managing a Product Portfolio

BY Eve Kekeh on August 1, 2014

Lee Wilkinson, Director of Product and Strategy at Hearst Magazines, talks us through managing a product portfolio. With over 15 years of experience in the digital media industry, Lee (@ProdDev_LeeW) has navigated the waters of bringing a broad portfolio of disparate products into alignment. In this video from June’s ProductTank London, Lee covers how to effectively manage a portfolio Read more »

Video: Guide to Roadmapping

BY Eve Kekeh on July 30, 2014

Product fanatic Janna Bastow guides us through Roadmapping in this video from ProductTank June. Roadmaps are an excellent tool to communicate the direction your team will be heading in order to fulfil the product vision. As Co-Founder of both ProdPad and Mind the Product, Janna has plenty of experience creating and using these roadmaps to Read more »

Video: Effective Prioritisation of Product Changes

BY Eve Kekeh on July 25, 2014

Michelle You has been a part of the ProductTank community since 2010 and she joined us again for ProductTank June, which was all about on Prioritisation, Roadmapping, and Portfolio Management. As Co-Founder and CPO of Songkick she has plenty of experience navigating improvements and changes to products. Effective prioritisation is one of the toughest challenges that most product Read more »

Video: Making Trade-off Decisions

BY Eve Kekeh on July 17, 2014

Trade-offs are rife in startups due to limited resources but, as trade-offs are very subjective, there is no best practice or defined process to deal with them. Harry Jones has worked in startups for 10 years and has plenty of experience making challenging trade-offs. Now, as Co-Founder and CPO of, he looks back at the Read more »

Video: UX for the Connected World of Things

BY Janna Bastow on June 30, 2014

A lot of effort goes into the mundane, boring things that no one really finds sexy, but when they don’t work, you find really annoying. This is particularly true in the growing world of IoT, affecting your everyday devices. We’ve covered the topic of Internet of Things a couple times, and we’ve got a video Read more »

Video: How to Screw Up B2B

BY Janna Bastow on June 13, 2014

Working in B2B product management is rife with pitfalls and failure states.  Clancy Childs, Chief Product and Marketing Officer at Tizaro and our final speaker at ProductTank May, walked us through a variety of the tough situations he’s had to face and overcome. In his talk he attempts to help B2B product managers all over, covering things like Squeaky Read more »

Video: What you testing? Minimum Viable People, Product & Platform

BY Janna Bastow on June 9, 2014

It’s always a journey to figure out your first MVP, but FOODit took it to a new level by building 3 MVPs concurrently. At ProductTank May, which was all about B2B product management, Rif Kiamil (@rifkiamil) walked us through the steps he took and decisions they made in order to build and validate their first product, and Read more »

Video: Getting and staying focused – how to build great B2B products with a small team

BY Janna Bastow on June 6, 2014

B2B isn’t an easy world, especially when you’ve only got a small team trying to serve a demanding market. At ProductTank May, which was all about B2B Product Management, James Gill (@jamesjgill), CEO of GoSquared talked about how they built out a great B2B product with a small team. He covered how they decide what Read more »

Video: UX for the Internet of Things

BY Janna Bastow on May 23, 2014

We recently had our second ProductTank that was all about Internet of Things, though today we’re sharing a video that’s a throwback to our first IoT/Connected Devices event, back in November. At that ProductTank, we had Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino (@iotwatch) of Designswarm showed us how Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way product design is being done.  She talked about how Read more »