Demystification for product managers: The art of building common ground

BY Dani Sastre on June 8, 2021

As Product Managers, we are in the intersection of three worlds: business, technology and user experience. To succeed in such an environment, a common understanding is key, and “Demystification” is the perfect approach to reach it. Keep reading to know why it’s necessary, what it is and how you can start applying it in your Read more »

Lessons learned from managing internal products

BY Ahmed Sulaiman on June 3, 2021

Working on an internal product isn’t different from any other publicly available product. You still have to understand the problem, clearly communicate the value, and make sure people get things done. The only difference is that your users also happen to be your teammates. Read more »

Building extraordinary product teams

BY Federico Iglesias on May 4, 2021

When I finished watching Episode 4th Season 2nd of “Formula 1 Drive to Survive” on Netflix, I didn’t quite know if I had just watched a great episode about high-performance motorsport or participated in a Product Management keynote in the style of Mind the Product conference. A brief disclaimer: I’m not even a fan of Read more »

How do you build a successful product team?

BY Eira Hayward on March 19, 2021

What does it take to build and maintain a successful product team, one that’s driven, motivated and ultimately successful? In this post, speaking to a range of product experts, we try to answer this question. A combination of factors — like hiring the right people, establishing a vision, defining success in a way that everyone Read more »

Hiring Product Managers: Using Product EQ to go beyond culture and skills

BY Kate Leto on March 12, 2021

In my book, Hiring Product Managers: Using Product EQ to go beyond culture and skills, there’s a specific tool that’s proved useful for a number of product leaders. In this post, I’m sharing that tool – the Role Canvas, along with an excerpt introducing it. About the book In the book, I tell the story of Read more »

Bootstrapping a Product Team, by Ibrahim Bashir

BY Chris Massey on January 14, 2021

In this November 2020 #mtpcon Digital session, Ibrahim Bashir, VP Product at Box, discusses different product management archetypes and when to bring each one into a team. Watch the session in full, or read on for the highlights. Archetypes You end up defining how successful your product org will be at the point when you set Read more »

Structuring and Scaling Product Teams by Roman Pichler

BY Lisa Radel on December 9, 2020

In this November 2020 #mtpcon Digital session, Roman Pichler, Author of How to Lead in Product Management, discusses important aspects leaders should bear in mind when structuring and growing product teams. Watch the session in full, or read on for the highlights. Empower the Product People Any successful product organisation, Roman explains, needs empowered product people. He argues Read more »

Building Successful Product Development Teams, by Simon Colmer

BY Chris Massey on November 24, 2020

Simon Colmer (at the time of this talk, the Head of Development at Access NFP Websites) spoke to ProductTank London about a developer’s perspective on what it takes to build a successful product development team. As product people, team alignment is table-stakes, and it’s crucial that we factor in multiple perspectives to create diverse, empowered teams, so Read more »

Hiring and Developing Product Managers

BY Imogen Schels on November 6, 2020

In this exclusive MTP Leader Panel, Kate Leto, Petra Wille and Saielle DaSilva join Emily Tate to share their thoughts on hiring and developing product managers. Watch the session in full or read on for some highlights including our panellist’s take on what makes a good product manager, how to hire a junior, the importance Read more »

How I became a product manager, by Matthew Vitebsky

BY Tremis Skeete on July 31, 2020

Matthew Vitebsky shares the advice he wishes he’d had when he get his first product management job, and offers tips for nailing the role. Read more »