Estimating Complexity - Liz Keogh on The Product Experience

BY The Product Experience on March 17, 2021

Estimation is a dark art — get it wrong, and your stakeholders will never forget (or forgive). We talked with agile consultant Liz Keogh about how to get this right, who estimates are for, her invaluable scale for estimating complexity, and how to pronounce the word Cynefin. In this episode, sponsored by Hotjar, listen to learn Read more »

How To Make a Success of Going Agile

BY Eira Hayward on December 8, 2020

In June 2020 Mind the Product published a post from New Zealander Anthony Marter that really struck a chord with our community: based on a talk he’d given to Agile Auckland, his post argued that product management in an Agile practice is in dire need of a rethink. It’s been one of our most-read articles this Read more »

Building Successful Product Development Teams, by Simon Colmer

BY Chris Massey on November 24, 2020

Simon Colmer (at the time of this talk, the Head of Development at Access NFP Websites) spoke to ProductTank London about a developer’s perspective on what it takes to build a successful product development team. As product people, team alignment is table-stakes, and it’s crucial that we factor in multiple perspectives to create diverse, empowered teams, so Read more »

Testing Business Ideas, by David Bland

BY Gordon Tang on September 7, 2020

David Bland, co-author of Testing Business Ideas, spoke about his process in writing his book. True to his craft, he tested the content of his book as it was written. Watch the video to see David’s talk in full. Or read on for an overview of his key points. Build, Measure, Learn A repeating theme Read more »

Three Hidden Problems That can Ruin Your Agile Retrospectives

BY Ben Staples on September 1, 2020 defines a sprint retrospective as a time at the end of each sprint where the team discusses what went well, what could be improved, and aligns on specific actions the group can commit to improving for the next sprint. Retrospectives are an essential part of any organization running agile software development. I don’t care if Read more »

How to be a Successful Product Owner, by Ninon Laforce

BY Andres Phillips on August 17, 2020

In this ProductTank Toronto talk, Ninon Laforce, then of Bluecat, provides us with some of the key skills and techniques needed to become a product owner. Her key points include: What is a product owner Becoming a great product owner The responsibilities and challenges of a product owner What is a Product Owner A product owner addresses Read more »

Forever Employable - Jeff Gothelf on The Product Experience

BY The Product Experience on July 1, 2020

Working in product is a dream job for lots of people but sustaining a dream career certainly isn’t without challenges. There are problems around burnout, advancement, the challenges of specialisation, and in being a generalist. Jeff Gothelf has been there. He woke up one day and realised that his path forward as a design leader Read more »

Why we need to rethink product management in an Agile practice

BY Anthony Marter on June 4, 2020

In this blog post, Anthony Marter explains why it is that he thinks we need to reconsider the role of product management in an Agile practice. Read more »

Out of the Fog by Holly Donohue

BY Andres Phillips on January 23, 2020

In this MTP Engage Manchester talk, Holly Donohue, Product Director at Aquila Heywood takes us through their product team’s journey from a waterfall business to one focused on agile. The key points of her talk include: Problems as a waterfall business Making the adjustment to agile Achievements since the transition Watch the video to see Read more »

How Design Thinking, Lean, and Agile Work Together by Jonny Schneider

BY James Gadsby Peet on November 8, 2019

In this keynote from #mtpcon London, Jonny Schneider, Product Strategy and Design Principal at ThoughtWorks, discusses how using all of design thinking, agile, and lean means we can build better products. Key points: You should try to use design thinking, agile and lean when building your products Testing and learning with real people, using real software in Read more »