Bootstrapping a Product Team, by Ibrahim Bashir

BY Chris Massey on January 14, 2021

In this November 2020 #mtpcon Digital session, Ibrahim Bashir, VP Product at Box, discusses different product management archetypes and when to bring each one into a team. Watch the session in full, or read on for the highlights. Archetypes You end up defining how successful your product org will be at the point when you set Read more »

Practical Design Thinking Part 3: A better way to run remote workshops?

BY Dominic Port on January 13, 2021

Remote workshops, they’re a thing right?! Remote workshops aren’t a new thing and, with the soar in popularity of tools like Mural (our personal favourite) or Miro (another great alternative), alongside the disparate nature of product teams in 2020, more and more remote workshops, (including full-blown Design Sprints) are being run every day. At Pack, before the pandemic Read more »

Practical Design Thinking Part 2: How to Embed Design Sprints Into Your Teams

BY Matt Pollitt on January 12, 2021

This article (Part 2 of a trilogy) is all about introducing elements of the Design Sprint in a manageable way, to get your teams working better together. It encourages adoption of the process from the inside, out. So, you’ve heard of Design Sprints?! The week-long framework originating from Google Ventures to solve challenges and test Read more »

Who Owns the Product Roadmap? How to use Insight and Influence to Guide Product Direction

BY Tunde Adeniran on January 5, 2021

In my early days as a Product Manager, I wondered why the experiences of my peers varied so much from one company to another. I’ve come to realise that different organizations operate with very different levels of flexibility and ownership around multiple aspects of a product manager’s traditional role. In this article, we’ll take a dive into the different scenarios product managers may Read more »

Practical Advice for Product Managers Working With Startup Founders

BY Shaw Li on December 22, 2020

Product managers who have never worked with founders often find their first experience a bit jarring. “f**ked” and “crazy” have definitely been thrown around. But “crazy” is a label we use when we don’t understand. What makes working with founders challenging and different from other executives? What do founders do? Founders at early stage startups Read more »

Enhancing Product Thinking with 5 Slides (and Practice), by Fanni Fejes

BY Chris Massey on December 14, 2020

Fanni Fejes shares a powerful coaching tool that is used at Founders Factory to help entrepreneurs develop a strong product mindset. They realised early that product management doesn’t scale, but that successful startups hinged on the founders developing a strong product mindset. To move from that problem statement to the desired outcome, they decided to help Read more »

Building Successful Product Development Teams, by Simon Colmer

BY Chris Massey on November 24, 2020

Simon Colmer (at the time of this talk, the Head of Development at Access NFP Websites) spoke to ProductTank London about a developer’s perspective on what it takes to build a successful product development team. As product people, team alignment is table-stakes, and it’s crucial that we factor in multiple perspectives to create diverse, empowered teams, so Read more »

BLUF Your Way to Success - Adam Thomas on The Product Experience

BY The Product Experience on September 23, 2020

The one thing every product person needs is a new acronym that comes from the military, and Adam Thomas is here to help. Sarcasm aside, Adam’s made good use of the BLUF technique: Bottom Line Up Front, a short template, clearly laying out what the team is working on and how they plan to do Read more »

How do you Build a Qualitative Data Lake?

BY Rosemary King on September 15, 2020

How do you build a data lake? In fact, what even is one? And what’s the key to understanding qualitative data operations? I’ll share my thinking on these excellent questions, and the process I’m current testing out with my own team – please feel free to share yours too! For basically my entire 10 years Read more »

Product Manager's Secret 2020 Weapon: Remote Workshops

BY Drew Falkman on September 10, 2020

As product managers we are, at our core, facilitators. It is ultimately up to us to get all interested parties to align and collaborate on building the right thing for our business and making sure we understand our users so it’s the right thing for the market. As such, we spend a lot of our Read more »