Understand your application's feature set maturity

BY Rene Rosendahl on March 29, 2022

As “product people”, we need a way to articulate how well-developed different parts of our application are and layout a roadmap showing the progression of our app. In this post, we’ll explain the concept of “feature set maturity” to help with these concerns. Read more »

Third-party integration — Product Manager’s guide on how to choose a vendor

BY Lilia Gorbachik on October 5, 2021

Integrations are a part of many product managers’ lives. Let’s talk about how to think about integrations, and how to choose vendors. Read more »

Economics of Software Part 2: Elasticity Explained

BY Nihar Sawant on March 4, 2021

In the second of this 2-part post, we will learn about elasticity. How you can apply it to software, and how it could benefit you. If you missed Part 1, feel free to check it out now. In it we learned about demand, supply, and market equilibrium, how you can apply these concepts to software Read more »

Economics of software Part 1 - why traditional economics concepts don't apply to software

BY Nihar Sawant on March 4, 2021

Product managers looking for academic materials on technology and user experience won’t struggle to find what they need. However, when it comes to economics, especially Microeconomics, there are very few resources and case studies focused on the software industry. Most of the examples you will find are about traditional sectors like mining, manufacturing, FMCG, etc., Read more »

Building Consumer-Grade Experiences for the Enterprise By Ciara Peter

BY Andres Phillips on May 12, 2020

What is enterprise software? Software used to satisfy the needs of an organization via its individual users. In this ProductTank San Francisco talk, Ciara Peter, then Senior Director of Product at Box breaks down the enterprise growth funnel and explains how we can provide the best experiences for our customers. Watch the video to see Read more »

Product Development Across Hardware, Software and Learning by Toby Hughes

BY Andres Phillips on January 11, 2020

In this ProductTank London talk, Toby Hughes, Senior Product Manager at pi-top explains how to combine product development across hardware, software, and learning. He takes us through the following: A learning framework based around constructionism Developing software and hardware for products The pilot run for pi-top 4 Watch the video to see Toby’s talk in full. Or Read more »

10 Ways to Use Feature Flags

BY Martin Eriksson on January 25, 2017

Take back control of your products with Edith Harbaugh, CEO and Co-Founder at Launch Darkly. Edith shares her expertise with 10 things to do with Feature Flags. She explains why feature flags are beneficial to Product Managers and shows you how to use them to manage risk, keep different groups of users happy, and make Read more »

Video: Hardware vs Software product management

BY Chris Massey on October 13, 2015

Building hardware products presents a set of unique challenges and Kristoffer Lawson, founder and CEO of Solu, found it all the more interesting coming to hardware from his background in software engineering. While it certainly takes more time to build and prototype products in hardware, the process is getting faster and the costs continue to fall. Not Read more »