Continuous discovery by Konstantin Diener

BY Ian Haynes on February 3, 2023

In this ProductTank Heidelberg talk, Konstantin Diener, CTO and Co-founder at product design consultancy Cosee, delves into continuous discovery by sharing his experiences of designing a platform for board and card game trade fair Spiel Digital when in 2020 it needed to shift from an in-person to a digital event. Watch the video to see his Read more »

Good habits for continuous discovery

BY Eira Hayward on September 5, 2022

Certainly, discovery practices have evolved enormously over the last 10 years, and a lot more teams are running experiments, interviewing customers, testing their assumptions and the rest than a decade ago.  But continuous discovery is still one of those product practices where everyone can see the benefits but finds really hard to make happen. Read more »

How I do continuous product discovery

BY Simon Knight on May 3, 2022

In this post, Simon Knight explains how learning more about your customers can be a crucial tool in continuous product discovery. Read more »

Getting to a team-based approach to continuous discovery by Teresa Torres

BY Eira Hayward on April 16, 2021

In this #mtpcon Digital APAC keynote, product discovery coach Teresa Torres unpacks some of the ideas behind a cross-functional team-based approach to continuous product discovery. Watch the video to see Teresa’s talk in full (Mind the Product members can also watch the recordings of all our #mtpcon Digital APAC talks here). Or read on for an Read more »

Stress-free Feature Releases - A Simple Guide to Progressive Rollouts

BY Antoine Banctel-Chevrel on November 17, 2020

I’m currently on the brink of launching a major product update – one that will affect many of our high value clients. And yes, it’s stressful. The questions swirling around in my head include: Does the functionality work in production? How do the users respond? How does this impact operational cost? In other words, do Read more »

Teresa Torres Answers Your Product Discovery Questions

BY Imogen Schels on September 10, 2020

In the latest Prioritised AMA, we were joined by Teresa Torres who took questions from the audience covering a long list of juicy discovery topics. From how to keep track of your team’s discovery efforts and why the process of discovery is just so damn hard, to effective ways to share discovery results and tips Read more »

Here Be Dragons - Product and Discovery, by Randy Silver

BY Andres Phillips on August 7, 2020

In this MTP Engage Manchester talk, Randy Silver (a freelance product consultant) takes us on a journey of discovery, with dragons, giants and better decisions. He explains to us the true meaning of product and discovery, while showing us how to use discovery more effectively to help in our jobs as product people. His key Read more »

Qualitative Intelligence by Mitchell Gillespie

BY Andres Phillips on July 6, 2020

In this ProductTank Toronto talk, Mitchell Gillespie (Director of Product Management at Wave HQ) shares some thoughts on what he calls “qualitative intelligence”. As product managers are constantly striving to understand why their customers and stakeholders behave in certain ways, they are often in dire need of high-impact qualitative understanding. Doing this will isn’t just Read more »

Remote Discovery - Teresa Torres on The Product Experience

BY The Product Experience on April 22, 2020

We’ve heard it again and again – these are odd times; we’re not working remotely, we’re working during a crisis; this is not the new normal. You’re not working the same way, and your customers have different needs than they did a month ago. We turned to Teresa Torres – our first repeat guest! – Read more »

Product Management in AsiaPac

BY Eira Hayward on March 30, 2020

Since #mtpcon Singapore 2019 Mind the Product has been on a mission to support the continuing growth of the AsiaPac tech community. In this post, we examine the product scene in AsiaPac, its ongoing challenges, and the emerging trends. Behind the West? By general consensus product management as a discipline in AsiaPac remains behind the Read more »