Quick read: Best practices for picking product metrics

BY Eira Hayward on May 22, 2023

A quick guide for product managers to help them choose the right product metrics and analytics for their products Read more »

Simple steps to effective product research - Part 2: Getting it right

BY Eira Hayward on October 5, 2021

In the first of this 2-part series on product research, we look at how to get started with product research and at some golden rules to makes sure it goes well (read Simple steps to effective product research – Part 1: Getting started). I part 2, we look at what commonly goes wrong, how to Read more »

Simple steps to effective product research - Part 1: Getting started

BY Eira Hayward on October 4, 2021

As C Todd Lombardo, VP of Product and Experience at Openly, explained in his Prioritised AMA, Performing Effective User Research, product research done well can help you to avoid making a whole load of bad product decisions. But what are the practical steps you need to take to perform research well? In this 2-part, quick read Read more »

The dos and don'ts of product analytics

BY Eira Hayward on April 2, 2021

Analytics help product people to realise their product goals through being evidence and outcome driven — today they are a vital part of any product person’s toolkit. This deep dive into analytics aims to give you some background information on analytics, some handy dos and don’ts and also shares some key insights from a new Read more »

The importance of metrics maturity for evidence-driven teams

BY Emily Tate on March 30, 2021

Everyone wants to be in an evidence-driven team, using research and data to drive their product decisions. We all know it’s the best way to work, but what does it mean in practice? How can you tell if your team is truly evidence-driven? And if it’s not, how do you change things for the better? Read more »

When A/B Tests Aren't Enough, By Scott Castle

BY Andres Phillips on July 20, 2020

In this ProductTank San Francisco talk, Scott Castle (VP & GM at Sisense) shows us how we can use data other than A/B tests and clickstreams to build products with longer, more complex user flows. Given that so many of us work in Enterprise and B2B products, where the user journey is rarely simple or clear, Scott provides Read more »

Keeping Track Of Your HEART - Tomer Sharon on The Product Experience

BY The Product Experience on January 15, 2020

There’s a lot of debate in the product and research communities about quantitative vs qualitative approaches to metrics, so we sat down with Tomer Sharon (MD/Head of User Research and Metrics at Goldman Sachs) to talk about how he uses Google’s HEART approach to track what matters. Formerly of Google and WeWork, Tomer talks about Read more »

Product Research Rules by C Todd Lombardo

BY James Gadsby Peet on November 15, 2019

In this keynote from #mtpcon London, C. Todd Lombardo reminds us that as product managers we often make bad decisions. The key to minimising these, he says, is effective product research. Key points: All product managers make bad decisions To minimise the number we need to spend time doing effective product research – a combination of Read more »

Using Embedded Analytics to Drive Revenue

BY Tom Cahill on September 25, 2017

Five years ago, including embedded analytics in an application was a powerful way for product teams to differentiate their applications, reduce customer churn, and charge more for their products. Users were thrilled with the bells and whistles of charts, graphs, and dashboards in the applications they already used, and they were often willing to pay Read more »