#mtpcon Digital APAC video library

If you couldn’t join us at #mtpcon Digital APAC (April 14-15) or if you simply fancy rewatching one of the talks, dive in below!

The keynotes

We saw six engaging keynotes covering discovery, product development, cybernetics, scaling for startups, commercial discovery and validation, and building purpose-driven products.


Teresa Torres

Cameron Adams

Genevieve Bell

Crystal Widjaja

Yi-Wei Ang

Bruce Haldane

The sessions

Interactive our interactive, expert-led sessions our speakers covered a range of important topics from managing stakeholders and product career journeys to storytelling and common product mistakes.


Rich Mironov

Anna Lee Anda

Yamini Naidu

Anthony Marter

Silvia Thom

Amjad Sidqi

Smriti Pant

Priscilla Anais

Colin Pal

Unfortunately, due to a technical issue, the first minute of Colin’s talk is unavailable. Here’s what’s missing to bring you up to speed: Kicking off the talk, Colin Pal shares his journey as a product manager and starts by talking about how it’s ok to be a rebel. He begins by sharing the story of organisations he’s seen have success as a result of going against the grain — something Colin’s found to be important to his role as a product manager too.



Anthony Murphy

Unfortunately, due to a technical issue, Anthony’s talk recording is unavailable. We’ll be working with Anothony later in the year to deliver the talk again for anyone who missed it!


If you missed a talk from #mtpcon Digital in July or November 2020, or if you simply fancy watching one of them again, feel free! You’ll find them all in Watch the #mtpcon Digital 2020 Keynotes.