Our Content Types Explained

On Mind the Product, guest authors can submit:


  1. Articles
  2. Case Studies
  3. Product Profiles

Below you’ll find information on each of these three types to help you decide which is the right type for you.



At Mind the Product, we define product management as the intersection between Business, Tech and Design (IxD/UX). This means our topic spectrum is pretty broad but generally, our articles fall into two broad types:


1. Topical

These might include a formal critique of a well-known product’s redesign or an opinion piece on the current state of product management. The key here is to acknowledge where you’re being subjective and to avoid framing this subjective commentary as ‘the way it is’, but rather ‘how I see it’.


2. Informative

These might investigate the roles and responsibilities of a product manager. They should be well-researched and…you guessed, informative. Articles in this category might cover topics such as roadmapping, analytics and measurement practices, optimal team structures etc. You don’t need to be an expert on these, we like lessons learned and experiences straight from the real world.


Write about what you know

It’s also perfectly acceptable to write about something you’re currently working on or a topic you’re really passionate about. For some quick inspiration, here are some suggestions:


  • If you’ve been through a major redesign, share the lessons you learned (honest and humble wins here)
  • Have you figured out a nice time saver doing A/B testing? Get in touch!
  • Done comprehensive research on the best user feedback tools? We all want to read that!

Case Studies

At Mind the Product we love to learn about how different product people and teams work – at the end of the day, we’re all trying to hone our craft and so sharing our learning experiences is key. As a result, we publish your case studies, highlighting the approach, challenges, and results of your efforts. It’s a way to share your ideas with others and to showcase the work you’ve done.


Our case studies follow a particular structure which we hope will make it easier for you to draft them. Before submitting your draft, please take a look at our case study outline to guide you on word count and structure.


Here are some examples:

When you’re ready to submit, you can send your draft to editor@mindtheproduct.com.


Product Profiles

As product people, we know the career paths we take can be very different. As a result, we’d like to learn how you landed your role, and the experiences that you have faced. We’d love to share it with the rest of the community.

Our product profile series makes it easy for you to share your story – simply complete our contributor survey mentioning your interest in our profile series, and we’ll help with the rest.

Here are some of our profiles: